[reSIProcate] (no subject)

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Thu Jul 28 06:22:33 CDT 2005

What happens?  Does the proxy see any requests?  It would be useful to see
the resip log output.

From: ALI [mailto:nissaal at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:52 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] (no subject)
I compile resiprocate-0.9.0-5019 on MS WIndows and want to test its sample
OnDo SIP server (running on my local pc) I want to send registration 
request to server from that test application. 
I modify the program as follow. but it not getting sucess ... what can 
be the problem .. 
main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
 char* logType = "cout"; 
   char* logLevel = "ALERT"; 
   char* proto = "tcp"; 
   char* bindAddr = 0; 
   int runs = 1; 
   int window = 5; 
   int seltime = 100; 
   int v6 = 0; 
#ifdef WIN32 
  // logLevel = "ALERT"; 
  //logLevel = "INFO"; 
  logLevel = "DEBUG"; 
#if defined(HAVE_POPT_H) 
   struct poptOption table[] = { 
      {"log-type",    'l', POPT_ARG_STRING, &logType,   0, "where to 
send logging messages", "syslog|cerr|cout"}, 
      {"log-level",   'v', POPT_ARG_STRING, &logLevel,  0, "specify 
the default log level", "DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ALERT"}, 
      {"num-runs",    'r', POPT_ARG_INT,    &runs,      0, "number of 
calls in test", 0}, 
      {"window-size", 'w', POPT_ARG_INT,    &window,    0, "number of 
concurrent transactions", 0}, 
      {"select-time", 's', POPT_ARG_INT,    &seltime,   0, "number of 
runs in test", 0}, 
      {"protocol",    'p', POPT_ARG_STRING, &proto,     0, "protocol 
to use (tcp | udp)", 0}, 
      {"bind",        'b', POPT_ARG_STRING, &bindAddr,  0, "interface 
address to bind to",0}, 
      {"v6",          '6', POPT_ARG_NONE,   &v6     ,   0, "ipv6", 0}, 
      { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0 } 
   poptContext context = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, const_cast<const 
char**>(argv), table, 0); 
   Log::initialize(logType, logLevel, argv[0]); 
   cout << "Performing " << runs << " runs." << endl; 
   IpVersion version = (v6 ? V6 : V4); 
   SipStack receiver; 
   SipStack sender; 
//   sender.addTransport(UDP, 25060, version); // !ah! just for 
debugging TransportSelector 
//   sender.addTransport(TCP, 25060, version); 
   if (bindAddr) 
      InfoLog(<<"Binding to address: " << bindAddr); 
      sender.addTransport(UDP, 25070,version,bindAddr); 
      sender.addTransport(TCP, 25070,version,bindAddr); 
      sender.addTransport(UDP, 25070, version); 
      sender.addTransport(TCP, 25070, version); 
   NameAddr target; 
   target.uri().scheme() = "sip"; 
   target.uri().user() = "a"; 
   target.uri().host() = bindAddr?bindAddr:DnsUtil::getLocalHostName(); 
   target.uri().port() = 5060; /* +++ 25080;*/ 
   target.uri().param(p_transport) = proto; 
   NameAddr contact; 
   contact.uri().scheme() = "sip"; 
   contact.uri().user() = "ali"; 
#ifdef WIN32 
     target.uri().host() = Data(""); 
   NameAddr from = target; 
   from.uri().port() = 25070; 
   UInt64 startTime = Timer::getTimeMs(); 
   int outstanding=0; 
   int count = 0; 
   int sent = 0; 
   while (count < runs) 
      //InfoLog (<< "count=" << count << " messages=" << messages.size()); 
      // load up the send window 
      while (sent < runs && outstanding < window) 
         DebugLog (<< "Sending " << count << " / " << runs << " (" << 
outstanding << ")"); 
         target.uri().port() = 5060;//+++25080; // +(sent%window); 
         SipMessage* next = Helper::makeRegister( target, from, contact); 
         next->header(h_Vias).front().sentPort() = 25070; 
         delete next; 
      SipMessage* response = sender.receive(); 
      if (response) 
         assert(response->header(h_CSeq).method() == REGISTER); 
         assert(response->header(h_StatusLine).statusCode() == 200); 
         delete response; 
   InfoLog (<< "Finished " << count << " runs"); 
   UInt64 elapsed = Timer::getTimeMs() - startTime; 
   cout << runs << " registrations peformed in " << elapsed << " ms, a 
rate of " 
        << runs / ((float) elapsed / 1000.0) << " transactions per 
second.]" << endl; 
#if defined(HAVE_POPT_H) 
   return 0; 
Muhammad Ali 
resiprocate-devel mailing list 
resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org 
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