[reSIProcate] DUM features

Daniel Shi daniel at xten.com
Tue Jul 26 16:50:48 CDT 2005



Feature implementation has been added to class DialogUsageManager. A DUM
feature allows you to add custom behavior to the messages DUM receives and
sends. Features are shared pointers because they may be both incoming and
outgoing features. Please see DumFeature and DumFeatureChain classes.


Major changes:


1). ServerAuthManger is now a feature. Method setServerAuthManager adds the
ServerAuthManager feature to the beginning of the incoming feature chain.
setServerAuthManager takes a resip::SharedPtr of ServerAuthManger instead of
an std::auto_ptr.

2). An additional parameter is added to the constructor of the
DialogUsageManager. DialogUsageManager decides whether or not to create
default features based on the value of this argument. The default value is
false. There are currently two default features: IdentityHandler and

3). Two new methods addIncomingFeature and addOutgoingFeature can be used to
add features.


Changes have been committed to the main (5144).




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