[reSIProcate] Statistics on codeline leading to 0.9.0

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Sun Jul 10 19:19:18 CDT 2005


I can't quite figure out what the difference between the top two and the 
bottom two graphs might be. I might guess, based on the relative scales, 
that the top two are cumulative, while the bottom two are lines 
contributed for the specified month only -- but that doesn't hold up to 
closer examination. For example, Ryan has huge green blocks in the third 
graph, while he doesn't even appear in the first. David Bryan has a 
similar disparity. Is the second set of graphs based off DUM? (I don't 
seem to recall DUM being around in 2002).

Also, what happened in May 2004 that might account for the temporary spike?


Alan Hawrylyshen wrote:

> See http://wiki.resiprocate.org/
> http://wiki.resiprocate.org/wiki/index.php? 
> title=Release_Statistics_and_Contributors
> I've still got to add some material, but that's basically a breakdown  
> of how many lines everyone contributed to b-release-0-9-0.
> I also have a logscale everyone line graph that puts it all in  
> perspective. Coming later.
> Alan
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