[reSIProcate] What does lg.cxx do?

Fischl jason jason.fischl at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 19:19:26 CDT 2005

On 7/9/05, John Draper <lists at webcrunchers.com> wrote:
> Fischl jason wrote:
> >On 7/7/05, John Draper <lists at webcrunchers.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>It's in the test directory.  There are NO comments of course.  What does
> >>this module test?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I think lg.cxx is no longer used. Have a look at testStack.cxx,
> >testSipMessage.cxx and testParserCategories.cxx
> >
> >
> Ok,  what are these supposed to do...  I presume it might be test code
> to confirm
> things are working correctly?

testStack is a simple example of both a client and server sip
application that will send and receive sip messages to/from itself.

> >
> >
> >
> >>Also,  other then properly named modules, which I can use to guess the
> >>purpose of the modules,  would it be possible to comment these some more?
> >>Or at least hack up a description file to describe it?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >There is lots more documentation in the latest version - look in svn
> >head revision.
> >
> >
> What is "svn head revision" - I'm jusst up on the current jargon.  Is
> there a simple
> link I can click on the get it?

The documentation on how to do this is available on the resiprocate
project page at www.resiprocate.org. Here's a few more links for you:

svn co https://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/resiprocate/main/sip

> >
> >
> >>Is anyone planning to hack up a "road map" or modules that can describe the
> >>relationships of the C++ Objects in reSIProcate?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >Should be some of this already on the wiki.
> >
> >
> Very little of it...  a lot of the stuff on the wiki requires me to
> login, and I have
> no login access...   But there are tabs on the wiki (Article,
> Discussion,  etc),  and
> Article and Discussion tabs are asking me to login.  Some don't require
> it,  and
> just yesterday, I identified each of these for you....  asking you to
> please send
> them to me,  because I cannot access it.    Oh - I sent that to you
> privately,
> so It didn't get on the list,  but I'm sure the people on the list would
> know
> which ones are missing.

Some of the pages have no content on them and you will not be able to
access these pages without having an account. But most of them do. You
will not be able to access article and discussion tabs since these
will require you to have an account. In particular the tutorial pages
are not yet completed.

> I don't suppose there is an archive for this list?    If so,  anyone care to
> enlighten me on the URL of it?   I couldn't find it on the site.

The mailing list is archived by google. You can also access the list
archive through the sipfoundry.org site.

> >
> >
> >
> >>Where each "block" would represent a C++ Object (class or instance), with
> >>lines connecting to other blocks,  showing the relationship?
> >>
> >>Does anyone have such a document?
> >>
> >>
> I take it you couldn't answer this because the document don't exist?

Much of this already exists and should be available early next week.
You can get a lot of what you want from the doxygen output available
on the wiki page.

> John

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