[reSIProcate] File name meanings.

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Fri Jul 8 20:09:12 CDT 2005

On Jul 7, 2005, at 15:33, John Draper wrote:

> Nobody seems to claim ownership or involvement in creating this  
> release.

The reSIProcate 0.9.0 release is being worked on by a number of  
people. The grand master build tweaker was Robert Sparks, with some  
support from myself and many others.

> So I have
> no idea who I can contact so I can help make a good Mac SIP phone.

This is a separate question. reSIProcate is a SIP protocol stack. In  
order to make a SIP phone (audio / video user agent) you need several  

- a gui
- a SIP stack
- a session manager
- an RTP stack / jitter buffer
- any other 'features or bonuses'

so you can see that reSIProcate is just a small part of a SIP phone

> Does anyone know who is working on this project?

Anyone posting to this list.

Alan Hawrylyshen
reSIProcate Project Administrator
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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