[reSIProcate] I see this a lot - what does it mean?

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Fri Jul 8 15:35:01 CDT 2005

What does this statement do?   Could you break this down into
sub-components and explain this please?

I'm a little weak in C++ these days, thanks to Steve Jobs who is
an Objective C weenie.....

auto_ptr<SipMessage> reg(Helper::makeRegister(from, from);

This was in slide 14 of the PPT document, and I see this a lot in other

What does auto_ptr mean?

is reg(..... some things.....) a C function,  with the 
the argument which is a result a pointer or instance of a "Helper" object
created by the class method "makeRegister"?   Is that how it's read?

Or is "reg" the pointer to a SipMessage object or structure?


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