[reSIProcate] how to get ServerInviteSession from AppDialog

stensil stensil at list.ru
Fri Jul 8 03:29:40 CDT 2005

FF> Now, when something else happens, I need to get the ServerInviteSessionHandle
FF> in order to call "Sis->accept()" or "Sis->end()". How can I get it
FF> from an AppDialog obj? Is my design ok or I misunderstood something?
FF> Should I store also a ServerInviteSession for each call?

IMHO, you may, for example

// get resip::AppDialog pointer
resip::AppDialog* appdialog = ...;
resip::ServerInviteSession* serverinvitesession = \

... // do some useful work with ServerInviteSession

It's looks ugly enough though %(

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