[reSIProcate] What is a Tuple when used in this context?

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Thu Jul 7 16:49:33 CDT 2005

Roland Zheng wrote:

> In the tuple.cxx, when call
> Tuple::Tuple(const Data& printableAddr,
> int port,
> IpVersion ipVer,
> TransportType type,
> const Data& targetDomain) :
> Only the m_anonv4 or m_anonv6 get initialized, the mSockaddr is invalid.
> But in tuple.hxx, getSockaddr() use mSockaddr as return value.
> This will cause problem, I think inside Tuple::Tuple(…) we should copy 
> m_anonv? to mSockAddr.
> Roland
What exactly IS a Tuple? I'va always known tuples to be sets of numbers 
in an array or
perhaps a dictionary of sorts... what does it mean in THIS case?

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