[reSIProcate] File name meanings.

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Thu Jul 7 16:33:27 CDT 2005

Hi Again,

 Since there is virtually little to no comments in the actual source 
code modules,
in the resiprocate source code directory,  all I can go on are file 
names to give
me any reasonable clue as to what these modules and objects do.

 One such set of modules.....


Refer to the word "Dialog"....  To us Mac weenies, we often refer to the 
word "Dialog"
to a graphical window with buttons,  textfields, checkboxes, etc.

Does the "Dialog" word in these filenames refer to a SIP "session" 
dialog?   Or do they
have another meaning?

 From what I've been able to assertain,  it appears to mean Session Dialog.

GUI Modules....

It would also be very helpful to me if someone would please identify the 
modules that
have things to do with GUI operations,  either through a shell,  or some 
type of
windowing system.

What is "limp"?  Where can I find documentation on it?   Can someone 
please just explain it to me
in a few simple paragraphs on what this is?

In the X-Code project,  I see the following libraries (In RED - 
indicating they can't be found).
They are:
    libares.a             - what is this library - what does it do?  In 
looking at the source,
                                I see it has a lot to do with 
networking.  Is this the RTP Stack
                                just inappropriately named?   Where IS 
the RTP Stack modules?
                                I can't find them.
   libresiprocate.a   - is this the target of the sip X-Code project?  
the project named

Who is working on this X-Code project?   Anyone want to come forward and 
enlighten me?

Also,  there is a file called "MethodHash-raw.cxx" that appears to be 
missing, but
shows up as an "added" file to the X-Code project called "sip.xcode".  
Can someone
please help me find it?

Is there an intention of hacking this sip.xcode into a viable Mac SIP 
application?  Or
is this intended to be a library someone is eventually going to wind up 
adding to some
future Mac Application.

Nobody seems to claim ownership or involvement in creating this 
release.  So I have
no idea who I can contact so I can help make a good Mac SIP phone.

Does anyone know who is working on this project?


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