[reSIProcate] Road map wanted - can I expect to get some help from this list?

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Thu Jul 7 16:02:07 CDT 2005


I'm spending weeks and weeks reading through the un-commented source 
code in an
attempt to study the feasability of writing a Native Mac SIP phone.  

Unfortunately, the latest Mac X-Code project is focused on the use of Qt 
as the
interface to the GUI, which I find unacceptable, and want to write a SIP 
that's totally Native mac.

I'm struggling through the reSIProcate source code trying to figure 
things out,
but due to lack of an overall description of what these modules are used 
I'm making a lot of wrong guesses.

Am I to understand that reSIProcate is not a SIP Phone,  but just a 
collection of
Libraries like a SIP Stack, and SIP support routines,  but not a fully 
SIP Phone.   If one exists,  what is the name of the .cpp module?

Isn't there some kind of a document you guys work from so you can find 
your way
acound the modules...   in MY terms I like to define a SIP Phone as a 
client that:

   * Code registers with a SIP server, port, etc.  Making a connection 
over a socket
      using the SIP protocol as defined by the RFC.

   * Code that sends a SIP address:   sip:name at sip.server to the 
server,  and gets
      back an IP/Port of the desired recipient of the call.

   * Code that negotiates a handshake with the remote client,  either 
going through the
      sip server,  or establishing a UDP connection with the remote 
client,  IE:  Would want
      to support RTP protocol.   Does reSIProcate support RTP?  

   * Code that terminates the connection when call is finished.

Could someone please identify the .cpp modules which are designed to 
handle these functions,
and where I can find them.

I also have the X-Code project I downloaded and got it to build.  
Obviously the target is
not there, so I presume this is NOT a stand-alone Mac SIP phone 
application,  is that

If this is the case,  then what is this project good for?   Is it a 
library I need to add
to a seperate application I have to build if I want a SIP phone client?

Has anyone built a SIP phone for Mac yet?   If so,  who?

Also,  I see a lot of .cxx and .hxx files which appear to be the C++ 
source and header
files in the project.  Why do they name them .cxx and .hxx?

I'll eventually be sending other large lists of questions about some of 
the C++ Classes
and functions in more Email messages....  but a Map describing the 
functionality of the C++
objects in the release will go a very long ways in helping me figure out 
how I can use
this for a native mac implementation of a SIP phone using reSIProcate.


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