[reSIProcate] Cannot build reSIProcate on Mac OS-X

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed Jun 29 22:29:31 CDT 2005

downloaded resiprocate-0.4.0.tar.gz
double clicked it
then selected the 'resiprocate' target
and pressed 'build' button

I get:

SipSession.cxx:5: error: resiprocate/os/Data.hxx: No such file or directory
SipSession.hxx:5: error: resiprocate/os/Timer.hxx: No such file or directory
SipSession.hxx:18: error: 'UInt64' does not name a type

So what did I forget to do?   Is there some other instructions I was 
to find and read?  If so,  Where?

BTW,  I'm building this on Tiger - X-Code 2.1


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