[reSIProcate] memory overrun in MsgHeaderScanner.cxx

kaiduan xie kaiduanx at yahoo.ca
Wed Jun 29 18:39:34 CDT 2005

Hi, all,

Just found a memory overrun in MsgHeaderScanner.cxx, 

    static CharInfo charInfoArray[UCHAR_MAX];
    static void initCharInfoArray()
        for(unsigned int charIndex = 0; charIndex <=
UCHAR_MAX; ++charIndex) 
            charInfoArray[charIndex].category =
            charInfoArray[charIndex].textPropBitMask =

Here, charInfoArray has a size of UCHAR_MAX, but the
charIndex has value of UCHAR_MAX. Should we change it
to static CharInfo charInfoArray[UCHAR_MAX + 1];

Please confirm that.

Many thanks,


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