[reSIProcate] HI...

Ashutosh Pattnaik ashutosh_p at spanservices.com
Wed Jun 29 07:06:33 CDT 2005


A warm HI to all the members of this list.
I am a new member in this list and also in SIP.
I am mostly interested in a Presence Server implementation.
The resiprocate stack has an implementation of the presence server and 
I am starting with understanding the code of resiprocate sip stack as well
as Presence server.
But in the code after untarring, I found a directory named presSvr within which
there is also another directory named presSvr.Both the directories have the same 
file names and contents apart from some files which are showing some little 
differences only in content.
So, somebody could please help me in clarifying regarding this and tell me 
which code should I look into.

Thanks & Regards,

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