[reSIProcate] Resiprocate 0.9.0 final release candidate
Alan Hawrylyshen
alan at jasomi.com
Tue Jun 28 08:46:39 CDT 2005
On Jun 28, 2005, at 06.53, Dariush Eslimi wrote:
> Has anybody reviewed the Bugs in the issue tracking system?
> For example SDP codec matching code is case sensitive.
> Thanks,
> Dariush
Thanks for pointing that out. At present, we are REALLY focused on
getting the release out
so there is something that works well and represents a huge leap over
the 0.4 tarball that
has been languishing on the site for around 2 years. I think that
any minor bugs like this
one can be fixed post-release and we'll roll a 0.9.1 tarball. The
huge effort that Robert
Sparks and others have been going through needs to have some closure,
and then the incremental
improvements for bug fixes should be quite straightforward (and
forthcoming once people have
some cycles to make the changes).
Thanks again
Alan Hawrylyshen
reSIProcate Project Administrator
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m
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