[reSIProcate] deprecated directories

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Mon Jun 27 16:16:22 CDT 2005

I don't object to these going "away" (where away as Adam or Alan 
describe is fine).


On Jun 27, 2005, at 8:00 AM, Alan Hawrylyshen wrote:

> On Jun 25, 2005, at 21:30, Adam Roach wrote:
>> Adam Roach wrote:
>>> Fischl jason wrote:
>>>> What is the status of the following subdirectories/projects in 
>>>> resiprocate:
>>>> - gag: no idea
>>>> - gaim-patch: no idea
>>> These have fallen into a state of disrepair. The gaim-patch is for 
>>> pretty old version of gaim, and gag is based on the pre-dum TuIM 
>>> class. If anyone wants to resurrect this effort, they would be 
>>> better off starting the gag stuff over from scratch, and basing it 
>>> on top of dum.
>>> In practice, I've become too frustrated with gaim's overall quality 
>>> and various Spencerisms to be very motivated to work on anything 
>>> related to it. My long-term direction in this area is to come up 
>>> with a dedicated, stand-alone MSRP-based IM client.
>> [Replying to myself, since I realize that my answer wasn't very 
>> definitive]
>> More concretely, unless someone objects (and I would make sure that 
>> Robert and Cullen specifically are given an opportunity to do so), I 
>> would propose that both of these directories can be removed, so long 
>> as they are archived somewhere easy to get to. (I'm not sure 
>> "somewhere in the vast history of the svn tree" qualifies as 
>> somewhere easy to get to). If they *are* resurrected, they really 
>> should be their own project -- and quite probably in their own 
>> repository (although that's a completely different can of worms).
> I agree with Adam -- they are interesting enough that we don't want 
> them to 'disappear' so there is a ready record of this effort.
> I'd suggest an obsolete or deprecated directory that contains these 
> items, along with a README that explains basically exactly what Adam 
> wrote above, namely: These are old and lonely; the gag system should 
> use DUM and the gaim -patch is for  a pre-historic GAIM release.
> mmm. Spenserisms.  Is that like a spoonerism?
> Alan
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