[reSIProcate] deprecated directories

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Sat Jun 25 22:18:39 CDT 2005

Fischl jason wrote:

>What is the status of the following subdirectories/projects in resiprocate: 
>- gag: no idea
>- gaim-patch: no idea

These have fallen into a state of disrepair. The gaim-patch is for 
pretty old version of gaim, and gag is based on the pre-dum TuIM class. 
If anyone wants to resurrect this effort, they would be better off 
starting the gag stuff over from scratch, and basing it on top of dum.

In practice, I've become too frustrated with gaim's overall quality and 
various Spencerisms to be very motivated to work on anything related to 
it. My long-term direction in this area is to come up with a dedicated, 
stand-alone MSRP-based IM client.


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