[reSIProcate] Resiprocate: How to make an INVITE with hold ?

Fischl jason jason.fischl at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 16:49:32 CDT 2005

Are you using the dum library? This is very easy if you are. 

If using dum, 

InviteSessionHandle handle; // assigned elsewhere
const SdpContents& original = handle->getLocalSdp();
SdpContents holdSdp(original);  
// modify holdSdp appropriately

handle->provideOffer(sdp); // this will cause the reinvite to go out. 

// InviteSessionHandler::onAnswer will be called when the peer sends 200 OK

// repeat to take off hold
handle->provideOffer(original); // this will cause the reinvite to go out. 

// InviteSessionHandler::onAnswer will be called when the peer sends 200 OK

On 6/24/05, Jyotshna Cherukuri <jcherukuri_necc at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am trying to code for Attended Call Transfer using SIP which requires me
> to send an INVITE (with hold) which has same Call-Id and different
> branch-Id. I was just wondering if anyone could help me out to, how to send
> a re-invite with hold using SipStack ? 
> Thanks 
> Jyotshna
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