[reSIProcate] Different versions of libresiprocate.a in the same executable
Sandeep Sharma
ssharma at jabber.com
Tue Jun 21 15:14:49 CDT 2005
I have a binary that loads up two shared libraries (.so). The first .so
has been statically linked with an older version of libresiprocate.a
(more than a year old). The second .so has been statically linked with a
recent version of libresiprocate.a (about 2 months old). (Both of them
instantiate SipStack, but use different port numbers)
When I start up the binary, I get a core dump, backtrace is given here.
If I load just one .so at a time, then things are ok.
My question is: Why could this be happening? How do I debug and fix it?
Has anyone tried this sort of setup?
Thanks for your help in advance,
(gdb) where
#0 0xac5d6111 in __gnu_cxx::hashtable<std::pair<resip::Mime const,
resip::ContentsFactoryBase*>, resip::Mime, __gnu_cxx::hash<resip::Mime>,
std::_Select1st<std::pair<resip::Mime const,
resip::ContentsFactoryBase*> >, std::equal_to<resip::Mime>,
std::allocator<resip::ContentsFactoryBase*> >::count(resip::Mime const&)
const (this=0x80a4f38, __key=@0xac813f00) at stl_hashtable.h:468
#1 0xac5d6036 in __gnu_cxx::hash_map<resip::Mime,
resip::ContentsFactoryBase*, __gnu_cxx::hash<resip::Mime>,
std::equal_to<resip::Mime>, std::allocator<resip::ContentsFactoryBase*>
>::count(resip::Mime const&) const (this=0x80a4f38,
__key=@0xac813f00) at hash_map:186
#2 0xac5d5fa0 in ContentsFactory (this=0xac813ef0) at Contents.hxx:127
#3 0xac5d5b7f in resip::MultipartAlternativeContents::init() ()
at MultipartAlternativeContents.cxx:16
#4 0xac5d5e6b in __static_initialization_and_destruction_0
__priority=65535) at MultipartAlternativeContents.hxx:23
#5 0xac5d5ed0 in
_GLOBAL__I__ZN5resip28MultipartAlternativeContents4initEv ()
at MultipartMixedContents.hxx:51
#6 0xac785225 in __do_global_ctors_aux ()
from /opt/app/jabber/lib/aimsd.so
#7 0xac56a32a in _init () from /opt/app/jabber/lib/aimsd.so
#8 0xb75f5ae1 in _dl_debug_state () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#9 0xb7122cc2 in ?? ()
#10 0xb75f5896 in _dl_debug_state () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#11 0xb7122732 in ?? ()
#12 0xb700effb in _res_opcodes () from /lib/libdl.so.2
#13 0xb75f5896 in _dl_debug_state () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#14 0xb700f4b6 in dlerror () from /lib/libdl.so.2
#15 0xb700efa4 in _res_opcodes () from /lib/libdl.so.2
#16 0xb7463b85 in bedrock::DynamicLoader::open(std::string const&, int)
module=@0xb6d2d844, dlopen_flag=2) at basic_string.h:717
#17 0xb7463db8 in bedrock::DynamicLoader::openNow(std::string const&) (
module=@0x4a37213) at bedrock/DynamicLoader.cpp:89
Sandeep Sharma <ssharma at jabber.com>
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