Attention Mac OS 10.3 Users ... (was:[reSIProcate] 0.9.0 release candidate tarball)

Sailesh Agrawal sailesh at
Thu Jun 16 19:30:32 CDT 2005

>>     Would someone apply this patch and re-test on Panther (10.3) ?! 
>> If it doesn't work, we'll need a way to selectively enable this 
>> typedef.

> Any of you mac heads out there tried this? RjS, Cullen, Nils ? If you 
> are still on 10.3, please let me know, otherwise I'll boot up off 
> another disc and test this. It's just going to be quicker for someone 
> who HAS 10.3 handy.

Hey guys, I'll be fixing this issue tonight. It's fairly easy to have 
resip compiling on all version of Mac OS X. Apple provides two headers: 
/usr/include/TargetConditionals.h and 

The last one defines MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED which I'll be using 
to work around issues on particular version of each OS.

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