[reSIProcate] fedora core 3 make errors

Micky Kaufmann micky at proxy.co.il
Thu Jun 9 06:41:23 CDT 2005

Hi everyone,

I've a newly installed Fedora Core 3 
I downloaded reciprocate from SVN
And tried running ./configure.
It took me time to understand that before running configure I have to
run the shell scripts for the automake to work. (chmod +x *.sh,
./useautotools.sh,  ./autogen.sh)
And now the running ./configure worked.
Make produced errors in os/WinCompat.* because of missing '#ifdef WIN32'
declarations. - I managed to fix it.
After fixing it I got an error about me having old version of openssl.
Since there are no automatic updates for openssl on FC3 and many other
packages depend on it I preferred fixing it by disabling the error in
Security.cxx. (By the way such an error should have appeared already
when I run ./configure.
However, still make didn't work because there's 'dns' is not mentioned
as SUBDIR in reciprocate Makefile and there's no Makefile for 'dns' - I
get errors similar to 'undefine reference to resip:DnsStub'.

Can anyone tell me how to solve it?



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