[reSIProcate] transaction id collisions

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Thu Jun 2 11:34:05 CDT 2005

On Jun 2, 2005, at 07.36, Scott Godin wrote:

> By tid collisions, do you mean that resip is generating duplicate  
> tids for
> different requests?
> I've seen this behavior if you forget to call srand on every thread  
> in your
> application that is creating requests.  Even if you only use 1  
> thread, when
> you restart your app and you haven't called srand, it will use the  
> same
> tid's it used the last time you started.

I've also seen win32 clients select the same sequence of random  
numbers leading to collisions in the UAS map in the proxy.
Is that the source of the problem? We don't see asserts, but the 1st  
'user' of a tid 'wins' and the re-users 'lose' (get ignored).


a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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