[reSIProcate] b-release-0-9-0: Access violation during unregistration

Dmitry Semyonov dsemyonov at dins.ru
Tue May 31 12:15:41 CDT 2005

Hello All.

Consider the following situation.

SIP client registers via DUM.
Network goes down.
The client tries to unregister.

I see 'access violation' inside TransactionState::sendToWire() (line 
1496 of TransactionState.cxx) in this case. It seems DnsResult is 
destroyed together with some transaction inside the call of 
mController.mTransportSelector.dnsResolve(mDnsResult, sip).

Could somebody look into this?

The last messages in reSIP log are:
INFO | 20050531-205625.730 |  | RESIP:DUM | 2572 | ClientRegistration.cxx:158 | Removing binding
INFO | 20050531-205730.261 |  | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 2572 | TransactionState.cxx:1254 | Ran out of dns entries for <domain>. Send 503

I tried the above with up-to-date 0.9.0 branch on Win2k only.


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