[reSIProcate] Re: ReSIProcateInfo

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Sun May 22 18:46:40 CDT 2005

On May 22, 2005, at 01:17, Krishna_Sridhar wrote:
> ... If my understanding is correct, then
> implementation of reciprocate for a client application (IM) or for a
> server is the same. Is that right?

My misunderstanding -- I thought you might be confused about SIP and  
the lack of separation between client and server in the normal SIP  
sense.  reSIProcate is appropriate for implementing either, but the  
DUM makes IM clients particularly easy to implement.  There is an OLD  
IM client called limpc, based on the obsolete TuIM. If you are  
interested in developing a SIMPLE client that uses DUM instead of  
TuIM, there are many people on the reSIProcate mailing list that  
would be willing to either help, or point you in the right direction,  
please cc the list on all reSIProcate development communications.

Hope that helps, and good luck.


Alan Hawrylyshen
Jasomi Networks Inc.

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