[reSIProcate] reSIProcate documentation session

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Fri May 20 08:24:45 CDT 2005

This session is coming together well, we have several folks coming in.

If you're planning to make it (or think you might make it but can't be
sure for a few more days), please drop me a note before Monday.



On May 10, 2005, at 2:28 PM, Robert Sparks wrote:

> All -
> Estacado Systems is pleased to sponsor a work session focusing
> on creating and refining the documentation for reSIProcate.
> We'll hold this session June 14 through 16 (that's immediately
> following the upcoming MSRP coding session). Jason Fischl has
> agreed to come lead the event.
> This is a great opportunity to refine and capture your knowledge
> of the gritty details of how reSIProcate works. The session will
> benefit from the contribution of both veteran code contributors
> and new users of the reSIProcate project.
> This event will occur at Estacado System's new offices:
> 17210 Campbell Rd
> Suite 250
> Dallas, TX 75252
> http://maps.google.com/maps?q=17210+Campbell+Rd,+Dallas,+TX+75252&hl=en
> Please send me email if you plan to attend (RSVP before May 23).
> I'll forward information about the area hotels to those responding.
> RjS
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