[reSIProcate] basic calling in DUM

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Wed May 18 14:16:24 CDT 2005

This may not be desirable if the INVITE get's forked.  You could end up with
multiple invite sessions for the same ID.  You should likely be using
overridden AppDialog and AppDialogSet.  


Check out:






From: Jeff Knighton [mailto:jeff.knighton at voiceriver.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 3:05 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] basic calling in DUM


Hello all,

  I'm trying to understand the sequence of setting up an outbound call using
DUM.  Specifically, I'm trying to make sure that when I am placing an
outbound call (by sending an INVITE) that I match up that activity with the
correct ClientInviteSession handle that comes to me with the onNewSession.


Below is my approach, please let me know if this is a good way, or if there
is a better way to do this.



Jeff Knighton


Step 1:  make an invite and send it.

  SipMessage& msg =   dum->makeInviteSession (target, sdp);


  const char* myCallID = msg.header(h_CallID).value().c_str();

  //at this point I store a copy of myCallID so that I can link up the
proper ClientInviteSession with this INVITE message






Step 2:  get an "onNewSession" event

 void eventHandler::onNewSession(ClientInviteSessionHandle cis,
InviteSession::OfferAnswerType oat, const SipMessage& msg)


      const char* sessionId = cis->getDialogId().c_str();


    //The sessionId here matches the value I stored when I sent the invite
so that I can match up the two...






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