[reSIProcate] Re: ClientAuthManager::handle?

julien thai julienresiprocate at gmail.com
Tue May 17 13:42:52 CDT 2005

 My program is stoped in the line
 AttemptedAuthMap::iterator it = mAttemptedAuths.find(id);
 I tried to set breakpoint in all the operator of DialogSetID cos
std::map <DialogsetID,AuthState> AttemptedAuths
 But it passed,and didn't run into one of my breakpoints?
what do you think?
I am appreciated your help so much.

 On 5/17/05, julien thai <julienresiprocate at gmail.com> wrote: 
> Dear experts;
>  In the ClientAuthManager.cxx, there are something i amn't sure i 
> understand clearly.
> Can you help me to understand? ( from the point view of resiprocate 
> library )
> DialogSetId id(origRequest);
> AttemptedAuthMap::iterator it = mAttemptedAuths.find(id);
> Julien.
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