[reSIProcate] StatelessProxy performance problem

Moshe Matitya moshe.matitya at kayote.com
Tue May 17 04:47:50 CDT 2005

Thank you for your offer.  Please note, however, that I am experiencing this behavior with the StatelessProxy app, not with repro.

Cullen Jennings <fluffy at cisco.com> wrote:
not sure what is going wrong here but it should handle way more than 3cps - if I made a build of the repro proxy for windows, could you do any performance testing on it and see how that goes?

On 5/16/05 4:43 AM, "Moshe Matitya" <moshe.matitya at kayote.com> wrote:

I am running the StatelessProxy application, which is included in the reSIProcate distribution, on Windows XP SP2 with a Pentium 4 processor.  It is configured to open only UDP ports.  I set up a load test in which every call session consists of the following four messages:  INVITE, 180, 200, ACK.  The scenario is as follows:

                   .  Stateless  .
                 .      Proxy      .
               .                      .
             .                          .
       Phone                             Phone
         A                                 B
         |                |                |
         |    INVITE F1   |    INVITE F1   |
         | 180 Ringing F8 | 180 Ringing F8 |
         |    200 OK F11  |    200 OK F11  |
         |     ACK F12    |     ACK F12    |
         |                                 |

What I've found is that the Stateless Proxy cannot handle any more than 3 calls/sec.

I presume that I'm doing something wrong, since the reSIProcate Project page [<http://www.sipfoundry.org/reSIProcate/>] states that reSIProcate provides "fast performance: > ~500 transactions per second on an Intel(TM) P4".

Is the StatelessProxy application supposed to handle throughput on this scale?  If it is, then what should I be doing to boost the performance up to the expected levels?



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