[reSIProcate] how to use parameter of log::initialize in MFC

julien thai julienresiprocate at gmail.com
Mon May 16 13:00:42 CDT 2005

 but why i try with 3 cases:
  Log::initialize(Log::Cout, resip::Log::Warning, "c:\\toto.txt" );
 Log::initialize(Log::Cout, resip::Log::Info, "c:\toto.txt" );
 Log::initialize(Log::Cout, resip::Log::Debug, "c:\toto.txt" );
 but i can't see the toto.txt in C. Are there some problems with Log?

 On 5/16/05, Jeff Knighton <jeff.knighton at voiceriver.com> wrote: 
> "c:\\toto.txt"
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
> *From:* julien thai <julienresiprocate at gmail.com> 
> *To:* resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org 
> *Sent:* Monday, May 16, 2005 11:43 AM
> *Subject:* [reSIProcate] how to use parameter of log::initialize in MFC
>  Dear all,
>  Can you show me how to use log::initialize in MFC application?
> I use like below, is it right???
>  Log::initialize(Log::Cout, resip::Log::Warning, "c:\toto.txt" );
>  The parameter of LogFileName is good or not??
>  I am appreciated so much for your help
>  Julien
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