[reSIProcate] about the REGISTER

Cullen Jennings fluffy at cisco.com
Mon May 16 11:36:18 CDT 2005

Don't know if this will help you but ....

in the resiprocate/test directory is a program called limpc

you can use this to send and receive registers for simple testing. As a
receiver, it will not challenge them. You can also use repro to receive
registrations and it will challenge them

run the receiver with something like

limpc -port 5060 -v

and the sender with something like

limpc -port 5070 -aor sip:me at localhost:5060 -aorPassword myPassword

On 5/16/05 9:12 AM, "julien thai" <julienresiprocate at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> If i understood the REGISTER will like that:
> AU                            SERVER
>          REGISTER
> 1) --------------------------------->
>          401 unauthorized
> 2) <---------------------------------
>         REGISTER 
> 3) --------------------------------->
>         100 trying
> 4) <--------------------------------
>         OK
> 5) <--------------------------------
> When testing,the program only send 1).
> How can i check that it will received the 401 unauthorized?
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