repro - was Re: [reSIProcate] tarball 0.9.0-4631

Cullen Jennings fluffy at
Mon May 16 11:26:27 CDT 2005

I was thinking that with repro, for the next several months until it becomes
more stable, it might be better to just provide pre-built binaries for
Linux, windows, mac.

On 5/16/05 9:27 AM, "Micky Kaufmann" <micky at> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply :-)
> Is there any "pre distribution" 'repro' tarball I can find?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Sparks [mailto:rjsparks at]
> Sent: ב 16 מאי 2005 15:48
> To: Micky Kaufmann
> Cc: resiprocate-devel at
> Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] tarball 0.9.0-4631
> We're setting up repro as its own project. It will have its own
> distribution. We don't have a timeline for its initial distribution
> release
> yet, but it's something we all want to see done soon.
> RjS
> On May 16, 2005, at 5:49 AM, Micky Kaufmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can you please create another tarball that includes 'db_static',
>> 'pcre' and especially 'repro'?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at
>> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at] On Behalf Of
>> Robert Sparks
>> Sent: ו 13 מאי 2005 06:25
>> To: resiprocate-devel at
>> Subject: [reSIProcate] tarball 0.9.0-4631
>> Here's the next tarball for people to test:
>> (For those not tracking the list closely : THIS IS NOT A RELEASE
>>   but we're getting close to one)
>> Here's a high-level overview of the bigger changes with respect
>> to the tarball and build (but not code) since the tarball off of 4579
>> (apologies to anyone who did hard work that I fail to call out here):
>> - made it so that ares gets compiled (by configure) if configure finds
>>    it in a local contrib directory and it's not already built
>> - added several --enable options as per email discussion.
>>    Improved the robustness of the way --enable and --disable is handled
>> - added a slew of files that were missing from the distribution and
>> updated
>>    the build files to deal with them
>> - removed SipImp, SipIMSetup, sip.xcode and all the .svn directories
>> from the dist
>> - added the doc directories and the Doxygen files to the distribution
>> - removed the executable bit from several *xx files
>> - cleaned up the 'svn info' check so it doesn't barf when svn isn't
>> around
>>    or the workspace isn't a working copy
>> - Derek cleaned up some EOL issues and set properties to help keep it
>> clean
>> - Derek did a survey to ensure license statements were in the right
>> place
>> - Scott brought the vcproj files up to date
>> - Greg added os/SHA1Stream to the dist/build
>> - Greg did some work to better pick up popt
>> Some of what remains:
>> - IPv6 is still off by default (have to use --enable-ipv6 to turn it
>> on). I haven't
>>    found a good portable test to include to see if the platform
>> understands v6 yet.
>> - WinSecurity and MacSecurity need to be sewn in
>> - All the README/INSTALL/ChangeLog files have not yet been touched
>> (this is
>>    next on my list)
>> - We have a known outstanding issue with PPC
>> - We have several programs in .../test reporting FAIL
>> - Need to make sure ccache gets used if it is around
>> RjS
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