[reSIProcate] Re: StatisticManager? value of mNextPoll

julien thai julienresiprocate at gmail.com
Mon May 16 09:10:29 CDT 2005

Dear all,
 i found the declaration of mNextPoll:

mNextPoll(Timer::getTimeMs() + mInterval)
it measn that the value of (Timer::GetTimeMS() >=mNextPoll)
is always false in win32.

Then so if ( Timer::GetTimeMs < mNextPoll),
what will be happend?
 Thank for your explain.

 On 5/16/05, julien thai <julienresiprocate at gmail.com> wrote: 
> Dear All,
>  Someone can help me to find out the value of mNextPoll.
> Cos i didn't find where you declare the value of mNextPoll.
> But i see the value of mNextPoll is 12760723077441.
>  And in the case,if (Timer:getTimeMS()>=mNextPoll) is true
> can you explain to me the role of poll().
>  Thank you so much
> Julien
>  StatisticsManager::process()
> {
> if (Timer::getTimeMs() >= mNextPoll) {poll();
> mNextPoll += mInterval;
> }
> }
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