[reSIProcate] 0.5.0 RC 4579 Notes #2

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Wed May 11 08:49:15 CDT 2005

On May 10, 2005, at 8:20 PM, Cullen Jennings wrote:

> The tarball is missing the windows .sln and project files.

I see the .sln files in the tarball - could you double-check?

I'm not practiced with the windows build - would it be easy
for you to tell me which files are missing?

> Tested with VC 7.0 using stuff in SVN and could get to compile but had 
> link
> problem
> Tested with VC 8.0 - the repro project in SVN is corrupt - no test 
> program
> for resiprocate - everything did seem to compile ok
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