[reSIProcate] Closer to release

Fischl jason jason.fischl at gmail.com
Tue May 10 16:36:25 CDT 2005

Can somebody make sure that the configure script allows you to set the
following options (defaults listed). Some of these are certainly
already there.


RESIP_LOCAL_DATA_SIZE=16   // just default is changed

On 5/10/05, Robert Sparks <rjsparks at nostrum.com> wrote:
> We're getting closer to being able to build a release tarball.
> Who has something they are planning to have in the release
> that isn't checked in yet? I'm going to need to branch for the
> release RSN.
> I've yanked the autotools build system around where it's doing
> mostly the right thing for 'make dist'. Here's a preliminary tarball
> for people who can verify things on different platforms to start
> kicking around:
> http://www.nostrum.com/~rjsparks/resiprocate-0.5.0-4579.tar.gz
> (Caveat for the casual list reader: THIS IS NOT A RELEASE - DO NOT
>   IT TO WORK. Instead, help us find where it's broken.)
> Untar this, run ./configure <whatever options>; make
> If it survives the make, then run make check (which I _know_ it
> won't survive just yet).
> As we clean up the last bits, you should be able to create
> a new tarball of the head anytime by running:
> svn co https://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/resiprocate/main
> cd main/sip
> sh use-autotools.sh
> sh autogen.sh
> ./configure
> make dist
> Adjust for branches accordingly.
> RjS
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