[reSIProcate] Instant Messaging and DUM

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Thu May 5 14:31:16 CDT 2005

Unfortunately, the gag work is based on the (much older) TuIM. I would 
strongly suggest a re-work based on the DUM.


Cullen Jennings wrote:

> That's great to hear. Love to see this in gaim. You need to talk to 
> Adam Roach - he wrote much of gag and uses cygwin.
> On 2/11/05 12:05 AM, "andrea" <andrea at csp.it> wrote:
>     Dear Cullen,
>     thanks for your email. I solved my problem with Scott Godin help
>     and I
>     sent him a sample on it; if I'm not wrong, it's available on svn in
>     b-teltel branch.
>     Now I'm trying to put presence and IM together in a simple client.
>     I'm
>     also looking howto put it into gaim. I'll start soon to look into
>     gag.
>     Do you have any information on it?
>     I'm also trying to build resiprocate with mingw but I've started only
>     yesterday and I'm trying to solve some build error (but I'm not a
>     mingw
>     expert!)
>     andrea
>     Cullen Jennings wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> I'm not sure that there is an example for this yet (or I don't
>     know of a
>> good one). Right now I have been doing IM using the TuIM class
>     which was
>> written long before DUM. I don't recommend using this - we want
>     to deprecate
>> it and replace it with a class with a similar interface that is
>     written on
>> top of DUM.
>> On 1/16/05 12:18 PM, "andy" <andrea at csp.it> wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>I'm working on an application for presence and Instant Messagin
>     based on DUM.
>>>Now, I've understood subscribe / notify mechanism, but I've a
>     question about
>>>I'm looking for an example or a "starting point" to try to
>     undestand how send
>>>and receive MESSAGE in an application based on DUM.
>>>anyone can help me?
>>>This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
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>>>resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org

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