[reSIProcate] MSRP Work Session

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Thu May 5 14:29:35 CDT 2005

A group of us have been trying to get an MSRP project up and running 
over at SipFoundry for a while now (http://www.sipfoundry.org/msrp/). To 
give it something of a kick start, we are planning on hosting a 
three-day coding session Saturday, June 11th through Monday, June 13th. 
(That is, we will start on Saturday Morning, and shut things down 
sometime Monday evening -- ideal flight plans would put you in Dallas on 
Friday night, and leaving Monday night).

The goal for this work session would be to complete the design work for 
the MSRP stack, get code in place to handle development of MSRP clients 
(and, if enough people show up, relays as well), and put together a test 
client to exercise various aspects of the stack. Establishment of MSRP 
sessions using SIP would probably be out of scope for this session, 
purely due to time constraints.

Unless an unforeseen difficulty arises during construction, the coding 
session will be at our shiny new offices, which will be located at:

17210 Campbell Rd
Suite 250
Dallas, TX 75252


On the off chance that our offices aren't ready, we will be making plans 
for an alternate location in the area.

Please send me an e-mail if you intend to attend. I will collect 
information about reasonable hotels and send it to those people who plan 
on coming. Please make sure you confirm your plans to attend before 
booking airfare.


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