[reSIProcate] TLS handshake failure

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Thu May 5 10:33:39 CDT 2005

On May 4, 2005, at 16.13, Sandeep Sharma wrote:

> By the way, once resip establishes a TLS connection to a remote side,
> 1) How long is the connection kept around?

Until there are too many connections and we need to close some to  
connect to additional servers.

> 2) Under what conditions does resip disconnect?
> 3) Is it like: "Connect, Send SIP message, Disconnect" ?

No, see above.  TcpBaseTransport.cxx -- calls ConnectionManager::gc 

There are some minor design annoyances with this code at present, but  
they can be addressed as required.
(It's unclear how to manage sockets (a global resource) from the  
resiprocate library (a non-exclusive user of this resource).


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