[reSIProcate] list of method of I/O stream library in resiprocate. Help??

julien thai julienresiprocate at gmail.com
Wed May 4 11:42:49 CDT 2005

Dear all experts,
 I have ported sucessful ares library for wince which i sent c-ares forum.
It's good step to continue port resiprocate. But actually, resiprocate
is enough big.
 The first thing i found that in wince 4.2, it doesn't support i/o stream 
so i have to rewrite a mini i/o library to port resiprocate.
 To make a miniIO, i need to know the list of method of i/o stream library 
which are used in resiprocate. Actually, i have to remove the include header 

of io library standard C++ in each file and build, then i will see the 
method of io library
which are used in resiprocate.
 But all experts, with your experience, i hope you can give me the methods 
you know
, you see in the resiprocate? so i can concentrate to rewrite them.
 I am appreciated so much your help.
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