[reSIProcate] Message with 401 Unauthorized

Christian_Gavin at logitech.com Christian_Gavin at logitech.com
Tue May 3 11:49:39 CDT 2005


I am using an old version of resiprocate (3460) but before I upgrade (this
could take me a few days) can someone tell me if the problem I am seeing
was fixed or I am incorrectly using the code.

Here is how I send a message:

======= >8 snip 8< ==========

      CString csURI;
      CString csMyURI;

      // get source and target URIs in variables above

      DWORD dwMessageID;
      // assign dwMessageID (for storage in dialog set)

      ClientPagerMessageHandle hPagerMessage = clientDum.makePagerMessage(
            new ClientAppDialogSet(clientDum, dwMessageID, csURI));

      if(hPagerMessage.isValid()) {
            CString csMesssage = "hello world";
            Mime mime("text", "plain");
            Contents *pContents = Contents::createContents(mime,


======= >8 snip 8< ==========

The first MESSAGE sent is ok, the server challenges it with a 401, and
resip resends the MESSAGE with credentials.

The second time the message contents is garbled (eg. the text becomes a
stream of \314). Uninitialized memory ?


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