[reSIProcate] y2k38

Justin Matthews justin.matthews at ivr.com
Thu Apr 28 17:31:02 CDT 2005

I noticed the following in the ares library that deals with time_t values
that are cast to int's.  On intel/windows 64-bit platforms I believe that
int will remain 4 bytes, but time_t has changed to __int64( since visual
studio 2005) to handle the y2k38 problem (seconds since midnight jan 1, 1970
UTC time).  To be on the safe side it would be a good idea to not cast
time_t values to int's.


static void process_answer(ares_channel channel, unsigned char *abuf,
			   int alen, int whichserver, int tcp, /*int*/time_t


struct timeval *ares_timeout(ares_channel channel, struct timeval *maxtv,
			     struct timeval *tvbuf)
  struct query *query;
  time_t now;
  time_t /*int*/ offset, min_offset;

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