[reSIProcate] Negative nonce value

alt alt at kaluga.ru
Mon Apr 25 12:15:01 CDT 2005

Hi All


During testing authentication I have found problem with "nonce" value within
challenge response returned by ServerAuthManager


The problem is:


We use next code to generate "nonce":


Helper::makeProxyChallenge(const SipMessage& request, const Data& realm,
bool useAuth, bool stale)


   Auth auth;

   auth.scheme() = "Digest";

   Data timestamp((int)(Timer::getTimeMs()/1000));

   auth.param(p_nonce) = makeNonce(request, timestamp);



because of timestamp is too big (in my case) when casted to int I get
negative value.

But later we check is the first char of "nonce" digit.


Using next code solves the problem:

  Data timestamp((unsigned int)(Timer::getTimeMs()/1000));



But it's not only place when we use this construction (cast to int).


Must we change the way how we generate "now" nonce (in second) everywhere?





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