[reSIProcate] Logger in Visual Studio

David A. Bryan davidbryan at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 22:57:43 CDT 2005

I have a question about the behavior of the Log::initialize (well, and
the logger in general) under Windows.

I have an application that opens a file to redirect the log messages
under OSX. It looks like:

Log::initialize(Log::file, (resip::Log::Level)loglevel, "appname", "log.log");

where loglevel is a variable with the level in it.

This works great under OSX -- I can redirect my logging to log.log. I
want to do this under windows, partially because since I have a GUI
app there, I can't see the stdout anyway. The code compiles and runs
on both platforms, but while it works as expected on mac, I get no
file under windows. I don't get any sort of error either -- it just
doesn't create the log file.

Any suggestions from the windows folks out there? I just want to be
able to use the resip logger and get the output from my GUI program in
a file somehow.



David Bryan
Please continue to send me email at the address bryan at ethernot.org

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