[reSIProcate] Re: help!

julien thai julienresiprocate at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 06:16:21 CDT 2005

I just understand, because the author don't allow to use directly all class 
of reciprocate.
So he declare destructors in protected;
 I have to build new class which derived from other class of reciprocate, so 
we can test the reciprocate.

 On 4/13/05, julien thai <julienresiprocate at gmail.com> wrote: 
>  Dear Experts,
>  I try to use method addBinding of class ClientRegistration.
> But when i declare a Object of Class ClientRegistration like:
> " ClientRegistration UAClient(tDum,tDialog,tReq); "
> After compile, i meet a error:
> "error C2248: 'resip::ClientRegistration::~ClientRegistration' : cannot 
> access protected member declared in class 'resip::ClientRegistration'
> If i understand, the Object UAClient is sur to acces all member of Class 
> ClientRegistration. If it's right, can you
> tell me how to fix this error? Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Julien
> Paris Telecom
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