[reSIProcate] illegale read during calling sip->isRequest()

zuobf zuobf at chinabizone.com
Mon Apr 11 00:19:34 CDT 2005


        I have met an illegale read problem during running the test program test503generator.
without the usleep, the program crashes with an illegale read error. As the judging sentence
begins with a ..sip... and the sip pointer is converted to using dynamic_cast, the sip should
point to a SipMessage class object when it's not null, how can this error occur?
	The system on which i run this program is equator's tetra board, this problem is not seen
in pc verion.
    And i compile the library with -Os flag, if i compile without this flag, this error would 
not occur. 

	I need your help, any of your help is greatly appreciated.

In file TransactionState.cxx:102

   SipMessage* sip = dynamic_cast<SipMessage*>(message);
   RESIP_STATISTICS(sip && sip->isExternal() && controller.mStatsManager.received(sip)
   // !jf! this is a first cut at elementary back pressure. hope it works :)
   if (sip && sip->isExternal() && sip->isRequest() &&
       sip->header(h_RequestLine).getMethod() != ACK &&



        zuobf at chinabizone.com

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