[reSIProcate] RE: DUM Cancel

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Sun Apr 10 20:15:34 CDT 2005

Hmm, I can't find anything obvious in the code that would cause this.  I
have no issues sending cancel requests.  Can you post a test application
that demonstrates this?  Or debug and try to find where the error lies?





From: Prasad Mahendra [mailto:prasad.mahendra at sipphone.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 3:48 PM
To: Scott Godin; engineering at sipphone.com
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: DUM Cancel


ReSIP Team,


I updated to head revision from svn (rev 4324).  The behavior when I try to
CANCEL an invite -- before the session has been established -- is the same
(I see a SIP/2.0 481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist in the logs). I have
reproduced the log below.


To test if the dialog still exists I made the callee (UA2) answer (send a
200OK). But when the callee answers (sends the 200OK) DUM throws away the
200OK as a stray response (logs reproduced below).


So it looks like DUM considers the call CANCELled even though there was no
cancel sent over-the-wire to the callee.





>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Log entries after CANCEL / dum->end( ... )



DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1502 | Looking for dialogSet:
3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318>  in map:
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1503 |
[3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318 -> 05012130,
bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64
<mailto:bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64>  -> 04FE48C8]
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1502 | Looking for dialogSet:
3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318>  in map:
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1503 |
[3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318 -> 05012130,
bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64
<mailto:bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64>  -> 04FE48C8]
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:619 | SEND: CANCEL
sip:17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060 SIP/2.0

To: <sip:17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060>

From: <sip:17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com>;tag=ed4d1318

Via: SIP/2.0/ ;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-7f37e73c5d55b124-1--d87543-;rport

Call-ID: 3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A> .


Content-Length: 0


DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 | DialogId.cxx:50 |
DialogId::DialogId: 3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318> -
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1502 | Looking for dialogSet:
3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318>  in map:
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1503 |
[3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318 -> 05012130,
bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64
<mailto:bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64>  -> 04FE48C8]
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 | DialogSet.cxx:652
| findDialog: 3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318> - in []
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.382 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 1056 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:667 | Using outbound proxy
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 3692 |
UdpTransport.cxx:166 | Scanner rejecting datagram as unparsable / fragmented
from [ V4 UDP received on: Transport: [ V4 UDP connectionId=0 ] on connectionId=0 ]
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 3692 |
UdpTransport.cxx:167 |     
STACK | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 3692 |
TransactionState.cxx:195 | No matching transaction for SipReq:  CANCEL
17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060
<mailto:17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060>  tid=7f37e73c5d55b124
cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(tu)
INFO | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 3692 |
TransactionState.cxx:301 | No matching INVITE for incoming (from TU) CANCEL
to uac
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP | 3692 | Helper.cxx:275 |
Helper::makeResponse(SipReq:  CANCEL 17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060
<mailto:17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060>  tid=7f37e73c5d55b124
cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(tu) code=481 reason=
STACK | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 3692 |
TransactionState.cxx:1524 | Send to TU: SIP/2.0 481 Call/Transaction Does
Not Exist

To: <sip:17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060>;tag=d168b943

From: <sip:17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com>;tag=ed4d1318

Via: SIP/2.0/ ;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-7f37e73c5d55b124-1--d87543-;rport

Call-ID: 3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A> .


Content-Length: 0




INFO | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:836 | Got: DestroyDialogSet
3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318> 
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 | DialogSet.cxx:124
|  ********** DialogSet::~DialogSet:
3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318> *************
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1533 | ************* Removing DialogSet
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1534 | Before:
[3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318 -> 05012130,
bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64
<mailto:bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64>  -> 04FE48C8]
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1536 | After:
[bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64 -> 04FE48C8]
STACK | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TEST | 3692 | Handled.cxx:21 |
&&&&&& ~Handled 6this(04FEC7E0) 04FBCF78
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.492 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
HandleManager.cxx:81 | Waiting for usages to be deleted (2)
INFO | 20050408-123805.522 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:836 | Got: StatisticsMessage
WARNING | 20050408-123805.522 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:STATS | 3692 |
StatisticsMessage.cxx:152 | RESIP:DUM
Transaction summary: reqi 1 reqo 5 rspi 7 rspo 1
Details: INVi 0/S0/F0 INVo 2/S1/F0 ACKi 0 ACKo 1 BYEi 1/S1/F0 BYEo 0/S0/F0
CANi 0/S1/F0 CANo 0/S0/F0 MSGi 0/S0/F0 MSGo 0/S0/F0 OPTi 0/S0/F0 OPTo
0/S0/F0 REGi 0/S0/F0 REGo 2/S1/F1 PUBi 0/S0/F0 PUBo 0/S0/F0 SUBi 0/S0/F0
SUBo 0/S0/F0 NOTi 0/S0/F0 NOTo 0/S0/F0
Retransmissions: INVx 0 BYEx 0 CANx 0 MSGx 0 OPTx 0 REGx 0 finx 0 nonx 0
PUBx 0 SUBx 0 NOTx 0
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.522 | SIPPAPI | RESIP | 3692 | SipStack.cxx:396 |
RECV: SipResp: 481 tid=7f37e73c5d55b124 cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(wire)
INFO | 20050408-123805.522 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:836 | Got: SipResp: 481 tid=7f37e73c5d55b124
cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(wire)
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.522 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:841 | DialogUsageManager::process: SipResp: 481
tid=7f37e73c5d55b124 cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(wire)
DEBUG | 20050408-123805.522 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1389 | DialogUsageManager::processResponse: SIP/2.0
481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist

To: <sip:17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060>;tag=d168b943

From: <sip:17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com>;tag=ed4d1318

Via: SIP/2.0/ ;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-7f37e73c5d55b124-1--d87543-;rport

Call-ID: 3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A> .


Content-Length: 0




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> log entries for 200OK after CANCEL / dum->end( ...
) <<<<<<<<<<


DEBUG | 20050408-123820.184 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1502 | Looking for dialogSet:
3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318
<mailto:3e0cac02535b0838 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-ed4d1318>  in map:
DEBUG | 20050408-123820.184 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1503 |
[bf6f454eb06e3d53 at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-b5433a64 -> 04FE48C8]
INFO | 20050408-123820.184 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 3692 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1409 | Throwing away stray response: SipResp: 200
tid=bf31046df90d6c66 cseq=INVITE contact=17476694702 at
<mailto:contact=17476694702 at>  / 1 from(wire)
DEBUG | 20050408-123820.794 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 3692 |
UdpTransport.cxx:166 | Scanner rejecting datagram as unparsable / fragmented
from [ V4 UDP received on: Transport: [ V4 UDP connectionId=0 ] on connectionId=0 ]
DEBUG | 20050408-123820.794 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 3692 |
UdpTransport.cxx:167 |     
DEBUG | 20050408-123822.166 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 3692 |
Transport.cxx:209 | incoming from: [ V4 UDP received on:
Transport: [ V4 UDP connectionId=0 ] on
connectionId=0 ]
STACK | 20050408-123822.166 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 3692 |
Transport.cxx:210 | 


----- Original Message ----- 

From: Scott Godin <mailto:slgodin at icescape.com>  

To: 'prasad mahendra' <mailto:prasad at sipphone.com>  

Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
<mailto:resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org>  

Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 6:53 PM

Subject: RE: DUM Cancel


You seem to be using an older version.  The latest DialogUsageManager does
not contain a cancel() method - it was renamed to end().  I'm not sure if
you will get the same problem or not - but it's best to see if it still
happens with the latest stuff before we try to debug.



From: prasad mahendra [mailto:prasad at sipphone.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 8:59 PM
To: Scott Godin
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
<mailto:resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org> 
Subject: DUM Cancel


Resip Team, 


I am trying to cancel an INVITE before a dialog has been established. That


UA ---> INVITE ---> UA2 

UA <-- 100 <-------- UA2/Proxy 

UA <-- 180 <------- UA2/Proxy 


I did the following: 

dum->cancel( dialogSetId ). 


Where the dialogSetId is from the INVITE I am trying to cancel. This does
not work. Is this the right way to do it? In the logs I see the CANCEL being
prepared and then the dialog set being removed. Then the CANCEL results in a
"481" call/txn does not exist -- almost as if these things are being done
out of sequence? 


DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 688 | DialogId.cxx:50 |
DialogId::DialogId: 3e27013a696a5d7f at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-6f54ca68- 

DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 688 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1308 | Looking for dialogSet:
3e27013a696a5d7f at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-6f54ca68 in map: 

DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 688 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1309 |
[3e27013a696a5d7f at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-6f54ca68 -> 04FEF1F8,
90526c5de117164e at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-23690c49 -> 04FE3D80] 

DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 688 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:525 | Using outbound proxy 

DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 688 | DialogSet.cxx:112
|  ********** DialogSet::~DialogSet:
3e27013a696a5d7f at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-6f54ca68************* 

DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 688 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1339 | ************* Removing DialogSet

DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 688 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1340 | Before:
[3e27013a696a5d7f at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-6f54ca68 -> 04FEF1F8,
90526c5de117164e at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-23690c49 -> 04FE3D80] 

DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 688 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:1342 | After:
[90526c5de117164e at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A.-23690c49 -> 04FE3D80] 

STACK | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TEST | 688 | Handled.cxx:21 |
&&&&&& ~Handled 6this(04FE7430) 04FB79E0 

DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 688 |
HandleManager.cxx:70 | Waiting for usages to be deleted (2) 

STACK | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 2900 |
TransactionState.cxx:183 | No matching transaction for SipReq:  CANCEL
17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060 tid=48363d1607463f6c cseq=CANCEL / 1

INFO | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 2900 |
TransactionState.cxx:265 | No matching INVITE for incoming (from TU) CANCEL
to uac 

DEBUG | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP | 2900 | Helper.cxx:272 |
Helper::makeResponse(SipReq:  CANCEL 17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060
tid=48363d1607463f6c cseq=CANCEL / 1 from(tu) code=481 reason= 

STACK | 20050407-175728.520 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 2900 |
TransactionState.cxx:1485 | Send to TU: SIP/2.0 481 Call/Transaction Does
Not Exist 

To: <sip:17476694702 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060>;tag=78550b6b 

From: <sip:17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com:5060>;tag=6f54ca68 

Via: SIP/2.0/ ;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-48363d1607463f6c-1--d87543-;rport 

Call-ID: 3e27013a696a5d7f at RnVqaXRzdS1MYXB0b3A. 


Content-Length: 0 





On Apr 5, 2005, at 4:46 PM, Scott Godin wrote: 


You need to add REFER as a supported Method to your MasterProfile/Profile. 




From: Prasad Mahendra [mailto:prasad.mahendra at sipphone.com] 

Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 5:34 PM 

To: prasad mahendra; Scott Godin; engineering at sipphone.com 

Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org 

Subject: REFER (More Info) 




I see a "Received an unsupported method method: SipReq: REFER ...." and a
few lines later "Failed RequestURI validation REFER ....". Log file
reproduced below. 








>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 




DEBUG | 20050405-142700.658 | SIPPAPI | RESIP | 2896 | SipStack.cxx:301 |
RECV: SipReq:  REFER 17475553001 at tid=146c.f1e5b312.0
cseq=REFER contact=17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com / 2 from(wire) 

INFO | 20050405-142700.658 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 2896 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:663 | Got: SipReq:  REFER
17475553001 at tid=146c.f1e5b312.0 cseq=REFER
contact=17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com / 2 from(wire) 

DEBUG | 20050405-142700.658 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 2896 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:668 | DialogUsageManager::process: SipReq:  REFER
17475553001 at tid=146c.f1e5b312.0 cseq=REFER
contact=17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com / 2 from(wire) 

INFO | 20050405-142700.658 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 2896 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:865 | Received an unsupported method: SipReq:  REFER
17475553001 at tid=146c.f1e5b312.0 cseq=REFER
contact=17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com / 2 from(wire) 

DEBUG | 20050405-142700.658 | SIPPAPI | RESIP | 2896 | Helper.cxx:272 |
Helper::makeResponse(SipReq:  REFER 17475553001 at
tid=146c.f1e5b312.0 cseq=REFER contact=17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com / 2
from(wire) code=405 reason= 

DEBUG | 20050405-142700.658 | SIPPAPI | RESIP | 2896 | SipStack.cxx:189 |
SEND: SipResp: 405 tid=146c.f1e5b312.0 cseq=REFER / 2 from(tu) 

DEBUG | 20050405-142700.658 | SIPPAPI | RESIP:DUM | 2896 |
DialogUsageManager.cxx:673 | Failed RequestURI validation REFER
sip:17475553001 at SIP/2.0 


To: <sip:17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com>;tag=c61bd952 


<sip:SIPPHONE at proxy01.sipphone.com;tag=9494753081297.fifouacctd>;tag=db7c9c6


Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK146c.f1e5b312.0 


Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK146c.e1e5b312.0 


Call-ID: 9494753081297 


CSeq: 2 REFER 


<sip:17475553001 at;ftag=db7c9c61357a18efc76e603ec3af96da-5bc6;l


Contact: <sip:17475553001 at proxy01.sipphone.com;nat=yes> 


Max-Forwards: 10 


User-Agent: Sip EXpress router(0.8.14-2 (i386/linux)) 


Refer-To: sip:411 at proxy01.sipphone.com 


Referred-By: <sip:SIPPHONE at proxy01.sipphone.com> 


Content-Length: 0 






----- Original Message ----- 


From: prasad mahendra 


To: Scott Godin 


Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org 


Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 2:22 PM 


Subject: [reSIProcate] REFER 




Resip Team, 


Does the resip stack support the REFER method? When I send a REFER to the
resip stack it replies with a 405 method not understood/supported. 




On Mar 28, 2005, at 4:31 PM, Scott Godin wrote: 


Yes - I did that at the same time. 


-----Original Message----- 

From: Mariano Stokle [mailto:mstokle at gmail.com] 

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 4:46 PM 

To: Scott Godin 

Cc: jason at iii.ca; resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org; Dennis Dupont 

Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Re: Building problem with resiprocate 0.5.0 


BTW, the abstract method is need to be implemented is: 


onRequestRetry from ClientRegistrationHandle class. I implemented an 

empty method. 



On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 12:34:01 -0500, Scott Godin <slgodin at icescape.com> 



I've committed this fix - thanks. 


-----Original Message----- 

From: Mariano Stokle [mailto:mstokle at gmail.com] 

Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 5:31 PM 

To: jason at iii.ca 

Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org; Dennis Dupont 

Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Re: Building problem with resiprocate 0.5.0 


Hi again, 


I was doing some research and got the answer. Here is the diff file: 



< auto_ptr<AppDialogSetFactory> uac_dsf(new testAppDialogSetFactory); 



auto_ptr<testAppDialogSetFactory> uac_dsf(new 





< auto_ptr<AppDialogSetFactory> uas_dsf(new testAppDialogSetFactory); 



auto_ptr<testAppDialogSetFactory> uas_dsf(new 






On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 18:12:00 -0300, Mariano Stokle <mstokle at gmail.com> 




me again. Thanks for your comments. I finally could build both 

libraries, resiprocate and dum. Test applications also worked. I am 

analysing now BasicCall.cxx. When I trie to compile, I found some 

errors with abstract functions I solved in TestUac and TestUas 

classes, but I could not figured out about this: 


BasicCall.cxx:428: error: no matching function for call to ` 



/usr/include/g++/memory:334: error: candidates are: 

std::auto_ptr<_Tp>::auto_ptr(std::auto_ptr_ref<_Tp>) [with _Tp = 


/usr/include/g++/memory:204: error: 

std::auto_ptr<_Tp>::auto_ptr(std::auto_ptr<_Tp1>&) [with _Tp1 = 

resip::AppDialogSetFactory, _Tp = resip::AppDialogSetFactory] 

/usr/include/g++/memory:192: error: 

std::auto_ptr<_Tp>::auto_ptr(std::auto_ptr<_Tp>&) [with _Tp = 


BasicCall.cxx:428: error: initializing argument 1 of `void 








' from result of `std::auto_ptr<_Tp>::operator std::auto_ptr<_Tp1>() 




_Tp1 = resip::AppDialogSetFactory, _Tp = testAppDialogSetFactory]' 


I am not an expert about auto_ptr, so I am askin for S.O.S. here. Any 

one has introduced any changes in the code to make it work? 






On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 08:33:37 -0800, Fischl jason 


<jason.fischl at gmail.com> 




Hi all, 


I think I inadvertently didn't reply my answer to the main list. The 

autotools build system is currently broken. I recommend that you use 

the default build system which can be used by just typing make. Have a 

look at sip/build/Makefile.conf if you want to customize the build 

(e.g. build shared libraries, enable IPV6, SSL, DTLS, etc.) 


The problem you are seeing occurs because gperf is not installed on 

your system. After installing gperf, delete the file MethodHash.cxx 

and everything will be ok. Alternatively, delete MethodHash.cxx and 

rerun svn update. The build should be fine after that. 


If somebody knows how to hack the Makefile to solve this problem, it 

would be great. The problem occurs because svn timestamps the files to 

the time of the checkout instead of the time of the checkin 

(differently from cvs). As a result, make decides that it needs to 

rebuild MethodHash.cxx from MethodHash.gperf. If gperf doesn't exist, 

it produces an empty file. 




On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 07:23:05 -0600, Dennis Dupont 

<ddupont at intelemedia.com> wrote: 




I was seeing the same problems. I started over yesterday (3/24) 






fresh copy 

from svn. This time I did *not* use autotools, I just ran make. I 




able to build 

libresiprocate.a and libdum.a that way (using make -k). However, 




of the test 

programs would build. I am getting the following link error: 




ypes.o)(.text+0x78): In function `resip::getMethodType(char const*, 





cxx:62: undefined reference to `resip::MethodHash::in_word_set(char 

const*, unsigned)' 


Dennis Dupont 

Senior Systems Architect 

Intelemedia Communications, Inc. 


-----Original Message----- 

From: Mariano Stokle [mailto:mstokle at gmail.com] 

Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:16 PM 

To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org 

Subject: [reSIProcate] Re: Building problem with resiprocate 0.5.0 


I solved that rpoblem forcing to rebuild ARES. Now I found another: 


There is no relue defined to build target "Dialog.cxx" necessary for 



Anyone with same problem? 


On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 18:45:04 -0300, Mariano Stokle 


<mstokle at gmail.com> 





I just updated resiprocate using svn to Revision 4045. I 

followed the regular procedure to build using autotools: at sip: 


sh use-autotools.sh 

sh autogen.sh 


and then at sip/compile: 

../configure -C --enable-shared --enable-ipv6 

--enable-data-local-size=16 --disable-elog 





but I got an error in AresDns.cxx 

../../resiprocate/AresDns.cxx:12:2: #error Must have ARES 


I did not have this problem before..Any one had this problem? 


Mariano Stokle 

SIP Rules 



Mariano Stokle 

SIP Rules 



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SIP Rules 



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SIP Rules 


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SIP Rules 



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