[reSIProcate] Memory leak problem...

Gur gurgurk at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 10 10:45:11 CDT 2005

I am trying to develop a prototype SIP-based
application using resiprocate. For processing SIP
messages, I simply use the Helper::makeResponse()
method for creating responses and then stack->send()
to send them. Then I delete both the received request
and made-up response in TU space.

I have tested the application using the SIPp test
suite following the scenario below:

SIPp                      Application
INVITE ---------------->
       <----------------    180   
       <----------------    200 
ACK    ---------------->
(wait for 500 ms.)
BYE    ---------------->
       <----------------    200

For about 80,000 sessions, the memory shoots up about
700 MBytes on a Solaris9 platform. I have used Purify
for diagnosis and the leak seems to happen for each OK
response copy-constructed into the stack for INVITE
messsages. The transactions in the stack seem to be
properly handled in the log (or am i wrong? :) The TU
space (application) is apparently clean.

I doubt I use the stack in a fundamentally wrong way.
Does anyone have any ideas?


PS.I have attached the stack log in debug mode. 

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