[reSIProcate] ClientAuthManager and Profile - finding DigestCredentials

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Thu Mar 24 14:37:54 CST 2005

Hi All,


Digest credentials used to respond to a 401 or 407 are retrieved from the
UserProfile.  The UserProfile supports adding multiple Digest Credentials -
so the ClientAuthManager must select an appropriate credential to try.


The current (intended) scheme is to look for digest credential on the
UserProfile in the following manner:

1.	Look for any credential with a matching realm.
2.	Look for any credential whose AOR matches the From field.
3.	Look for any credential whose user matches the User in the From


Note:  Currently check 1 is broken.  


I was thinking of the following instead:

1.	Look for any credential whose AOR matches the From field and with a
matching realm.
2.	Look for any credential whose user matches the User in the From
field and with a matching realm.
3.	Look for any credential with a matching realm.  (required before 4 -
since there could be the same AOR in 2 different realms???)
4.	Look for any credential whose AOR matches the From field.
5.	Look for any credential whose user matches the User in the From
6.	Any Digest Credential


Ideally if there are multiple matches in any of the above - the Client Auth
Manager would actually try them all.







Scott Godin

Research and Development

Computer Talk Technology

slgodin at icescape.com

905-882-5000 and 'Say my name' or x127


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