[reSIProcate] merging teltel-branch to main (IMPORTANT)
Jason Reich
jreich at qualcomm.com
Fri Mar 18 13:51:13 CST 2005
Hi all, I'm relatively new to resiprocate and the mailing list, and I've
been curious about the branches and development plan. However, I haven't
been able to find much information on the website or in recent mailing list
Is there a plan for new stable releases of resiprocate? 0.4 is pretty
stale compared to what is in svn. Is this merge part of a plan to get to a
new release? What is(was) the teltel branch, and what are the other
branches of significance? Is there a roadmap of branches and releases?
Thanks for any light anyone can shed on this matter. We've been using
Vocal for a while now and resiprocate has some pretty attractive new
features, but I'm curious about the future plan for resiprocate.
At 04:07 PM 3/17/2005, Fischl jason wrote:
>In the next couple of days a branch in progress since November 2004 is
>going to be merged back to main. This has some interface changes. The
>result will be that the following branch will be merged back to main
>and development on this branch will be discontinued. I'm sure I've
>missed some stuff here - please let me know if you notice anything.
>Highlights of changes:
>- complete rewrite of the InviteSession incorporating state machines
>to handle PRACK and UPDATE.
>- interface changes in InviteSession
>- minor changes in InviteSessionHandler interface (see below for details)
>- switched to a more generic method of managing User Profiles
>- removed the DestroyerGuard from Dialog, DialogSet and derived
>BaseUsages - replaced with posting a Destroy Event.
>- significant changes to implementation of DialogSet
>- added a CancelMap to DUM to properly handle cancelled INVITEs as UAS
>- complete
>Summary of interface changes:
>- provideOffer(const SdpContents&) and provideAnswer(const
>SdpContents&) instead of setOffer and setAnswer
>- the following methods (some renamed) do not return the SipMessage -
>they actually synchronously send
> - reject(int code, WarningCategory*) instead of
>rejectDialogModification(int code)
> - refer instead of makeRefer
> - info instead of makeInfo
>- removed acceptDialogModification(int) - use
>ServerInviteSession::accept instead
>- added some convenience accessors to an InviteSession
> - const NameAddr& myAddr() const
> - const NameAddr& peerAddr() const
> - const SdpContents& getLocalSdp() const;
> - const SdpContents& getRemoteSdp() const;
> - bool isConnected() const;
> - bool isTerminated() const;
> - bool isEarly() const;
>- added redirect method to send 3xx response
>- end, provisional, reject, accept and redirect now synchronously send
>the message
>- onTerminated now passes a TerminatedReason and a pointer to the
>related message (which can be 0)
>- onOffer/onAnswer take const SdpContents* instead of const SdpContents&
>- added onReferAccepted
>- onAckNotReceived doesn't have a const SipMessage& argument
>- added onSessionExpired
>Profile changes:
>- dum->setProfile is now dum->setMasterProfile
>- dum->getProfile is now dum->getMasterProfile
>- makeXXXX methods now take an identity, instead of a from - or you
>can omit the identity and the from will be used from the defaultFrom
>setting in the master profile.
>- AppDialogSet now has a selectUASIdentity callback for the app to set
>the Identity for UAS DialogSets.
>DialogUsageManager changes:
>- cancel renamed to end
>Implementation/Merge Notes:
>- added onForkDestroyed
>DumTimeout.hxx, DumTimeout.cxx
>- added WaitingForForked2xx to fire after a 2xx is received to an
>INVITE as UAC. When timer fires, terminate all other forks that didn't
>receive a 2xx.
>- added CancelMap to keep track of all DialogSets for any UAS Invite
>transaction. Can use this to match the incoming CANCEL to the
>appropriate DialogSet
>- use Uri::removeEmbedded
>- don't copy from header when making a session from a REFER
>- reorg logic for incoming request (as UAS) to look first for to tag,
>then checking to see if the dialog already exists (requried for 2543
>- disallow out of dialog INFO
>- add in CANCEL processing on UAS based on CancelMap
>- merged internal State for DialogSet from main branch
>- split handledByAuthOrRedirect out from ::dispatch (part of the merge
>from main branch)
>- added onForkAccepted to be called when 2XX is received as UAS
>- maintains the CancelMap in mDum (when DialogSet created or destroyed)
>- use mState instead of mEnded, mReceivedProvisional, mReceivedFinal
>- eliminated mDestroying (may still be needed but suspect not)
>- maintain the mCancelMap in mDum
>- DialogSet::possiblyDie looks at mState
>- DialogSet::findDialog was greatly simplified - more complex stuff
>was commented out after discussion with dcm
>- much code is simplified due to new method of destroying DialogSet by
>posting an event - gets rid of destroy guards and wierd timing issues
>- split handledByAuthOrRedirect out of dispatch
>- reorg/refactored DialogSet::dispatch (mainly merged from main
>branch) but take into account new method of destroying the DialogSet
>- added code to call onForkAccepted
>- DialogSet::dispatch is the likeliest place for integration/merge problems
>- DialogSet::end refactored to use new mState
>- added DialogSet::dispatchToAllDialogs (from merge)
>- added onForkAccepted and cancel methods
>- added matches and handleTargetRefresh methods
>- merged in code for Dialog::handleTargetRefresh
>- reorg code related to making ServerSubscription due to a refer
>(doesn't do much validation of this)
>- added onForkAccepted to pass on to the ClientInviteSession usages
>- added onForkAccepted
>- when onForkAccepted is called in an early state, add a
>WaitingForForked2xx timer.
>- when timer fires, destroy the usage
>resiprocate-devel mailing list
>resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
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