[reSIProcate] Merged in my xten-async branch, some minor API changes

derek derek at xten.com
Wed Mar 16 13:49:17 CST 2005

At long last this is merged in, along with some other fixes that I spotted
along the way. Here's the commit log, mangled a bit by outlook.


Major changes:


Alternative "async/external" Processing Model


The SipStack & DUM can now run w/out being in a build/select/process

loop.  This is accomplished witht ransports that provide their own cycles,
as well

as an external timer api.  The SipStack is constructed w/ an

AsyncProcessHandler which gets notified when a message is put into the

StateMacFifo, or when SipStack::postMs or SipStack::post is called.  This
can be

optimized a bit more; in some cases only a timer adjustment may be required,

the stack might not require cycles.  DumProcessHandler, located in the Dum

directory, is a example of how to use this.  Note that it provides ares w/ a

ms timer when there is an active query.  DnsInterface now has a

method to facilitate this; it should possibly become another

getTimeTillNextProcess method.


Transport Refactoring/Cleanup


TransportSelector now only understands objects that derive from Transport.

SipStack is responsible for the Transport Factory behaviour of addTransport.

lot of the Transport has moved into InternalTransport, to keep the Transport

abstraction clean.  Also, the tcp transports have been cleaned up; most of

rant in ConnectionBase.hxx has been answered. 


IpVersion vs Bool IpV4


bool is no longer used to represnt IpVersion, the enum is used in tuple and

anywhere else I spotted it.


The result of this merge/cleanup has been regressed; I still need to

testTransportSelector.cxx.  The async model has not been used yet with the

result of this merge, but it was used extensively in the branch.





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