[reSIProcate] handling 401 response to notify

Elizabeth Clark elizabeth.clark at bridgewatersystems.com
Tue Mar 15 20:54:35 CST 2005

I noticed a subscription is terminated if sending a NOTIFY results in a 401
Is there is reason the NOTIFY is not resent using digest credentials if it
has it?
The code related to this is in Dialog::dispatch where the msg is a response
and the C_Seq is NOTIFY.  The following if fails because the lastRequest is
if ( lastRequest && mDum.mClientAuthManager.get() &&
mDum.mClientAuthManager->handle( *lastRequest, msg ) )
In RFC 3265, section 3.2.2 it says "A the NOTIFY is considered failed if ...
a non-200 class response is received ... and no implied further action which
can be taken...".  I believe, however if the agent has the credentials, it
should be able to resend the NOTIFY.
Is this a bug?

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