[reSIProcate] RE: InviteSession and onTerminated

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Tue Mar 15 16:36:54 CST 2005

Since there was some support (and a lack of opposition) for this - I've
commit these proposed changes to the teltel branch.

Also I've introduced a new onSessionExpired handler callback for when a
session expires if session timers are used (draft-session-times).  There is
a default handler for this that will end() the session (similar to


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Godin [mailto:slgodin at icescape.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 4:41 PM
To: 'Derek at xten.com'; 'Jason Fischl'; 'david Butcher'; 'Robert Sparks'
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] RE: InviteSession and onTerminated

OK - my goal with this email is to generate discussion in order to make a
final decision on the desired onTerminated behavior - to call or not to call
- if the Session is being torn down due to an application request.

First I'd like to point out the differences between SVN.HEAD DUM and
TelTel.Branch DUM in regards to onTerminated:

Head DUM Summary:
onTerminated is called whenever the InviteSession is destroyed except in the
case where onForkDestroyed is called.

Thus every onNewSession should be paired either with an onTerminated or

TelTel DUM Summary:
onTerminated is called whenever the InviteSession except:
- if the session ends because the application requested it via redirect,
reject or end APIs.
- if onRedirected is called - because Redirect Manager is initiating a new
- if onForkDestroyed is called

Proposed Changes for TelTel DUM
I propose changing TelTel DUM (awaiting merge to head) to the following
behaviour - that matches the current head dum more closely and will make
porting to the new dum easier:
onTerminated is called whenever the InviteSession is destroyed except:
- when onForkDestroyed is called
- if onRedirected is called - because Redirect Manager is initiating a new

Thus every onNewSession will be paired with an onTerminated,
onForkDestroyed, or onRedirected callback.

- makes porting from current dum easier
- consistent matching with onNewSession
- no need to track state in App if reject() is called.   Note:  reject will
tear down the session if called for an Initial Invite request, but will not
tear down the session if it is called in response to a re-invite request.
- From Dereks email below : I propose renaming DialogSet::end to
DialogSet::end and have it terminate all usages as quickly as possible.
This is the motivation for having onTerminanted called whenever an
InviteSession is destroyed; without this, the app has no easy way to clean
up state associated with usages.

for more info on Advantages see below...



-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Godin 
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 4:11 PM
To: Scott Godin; 'Derek at xten.com'; 'Jason Fischl'; 'david Butcher'; 'Robert
Subject: RE: InviteSession and onTerminated

Another use case is the following:

An applications code to handle onOffer calls reject(488) if media in offer
is unsupported.  This will either end the dialog (if rejecting an initial
invite) or return to Connected (if rejecting a reinvite request).  The
application must now store state in order to know whether or not to cleanup
the call.  A call to onTerminated where application cleanup logic can be put
solves this problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Godin 
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 2:53 PM
To: 'Derek at xten.com'; 'Jason Fischl'; 'david Butcher'; 'Robert Sparks';
Scott Godin
Subject: RE: InviteSession and onTerminated

I agree - I think there should always be an onTerminated paired with every
onNewSession.  This can simplify application logic.

I also agree that DialogSet::cancel/end should always end the dialog.  The
name change makes sense to me (I'll assume you meant change from
DialogSet::cancel to DialogSet::end.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Derek MacDonald [mailto:derek at xten.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 2:23 PM
To: 'Jason Fischl'; 'david Butcher'; 'Robert Sparks'; 'Scott Godin'
Subject: InviteSession and onTerminated

In the new InviteSession branch, onTermianted is not called when the app
calls end() on an InviteSession. It is called when a UAC is cancelled, or
when termination is not triggered by the app.

I think we should always call onTerminated, because of the following use

Right now, we have DialogSet::cancel, which doesn't do the right thing if a
final response has been received(loks like it might assert in
ClientInviteSession). This is annoying race condition for an application; If
I express disinterest in a DialogSet, and before that reaches dum a final
response is processed I would just like to call cancel regardless.

I propose renaming DialogSet::end to DialogSet::end and have it terminate
all usages as quickly as possible.  This is the motivation for having
onTerminanted called whenever an InviteSession is destroyed; without this,
the app has no easy way to clean up state associated with usages.

We could make it a special case that calling end on a dialogSet causes
onTerminated to be called on the InviteSession usages, but this clutters up
the code.

If we don't do this change, DialogSet::end would have to throw in some


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